Friday, October 18, 2013

obamAs catch up

Back from when, I took my OJT in Shell office as an assistant to the account manager. OBAM means office-based account manager just where we coined obamAs (office-based account manager assistant'S). I was Dianne's first OJT that time and well as they say, I set this high standards but really I don't think so. Oh whatever, maybe I did and maybe not. LOL When Dianne started to accumulate her assistants until her last day at Shell we had this sort of tradition to catch up once in a while and meet her most recent assistants! It's nice to keep in touch with her and it's nicer that she does make time for us. I missed quite a few dates and now I really need to show my siopao face cause I miss her so and would love to catch up with her and the latest news.

As always, when she introduces me to the new faces around the table it always starts with "She's my first ever OJT, your pioneer!" and I'll look amused and talk back with "Dianne you're making me look old!" HAHA fun time! I miss those and tonight I met her most recent assistants, while Jen and the others were MIA. It was really nice and so bad that I had to leave soon for work. Work sucks at times like this especially when Chili's is one of the restaurants that offers good food warm in the platter. And I wish I can have beer as well. Oh well, raincheck for another time again. Dianne made me feel guilty for a while before spilling why she left Shell. It was a surprise at first but when she explained the latest changes and what was happening, I'm glad she took off and find her passion at WWF. I'm so excited for her!!! And I left the restaurant looking forward the next date that I'm guessing will be monthssss in waiting.

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