I came home with everybody still asleep.. and nowhere to sleep in too.. too bad for me..Woke up at twelve noon, early for me.. I have my hangul class again.. it was a rainy afternoon, good thing I brought my umbrella with me. (I thought of leaving it at home, glad I didn't! woot! ---it's the lazy me thinking at that moment..lol.) I chose the other route in going to Taguig. I've tried it last Wednesday and I did alright. I don't know what happened now.. hahaha.. I was officially lost again! =P super embarrassing cause I walked in Edsa's center island back to Kalayaan Ave!!! it was a long walk from Buendia.. really embarrassing!!! with all the cars, traffic, rain, and red dress!!! Thank goodness I wasn't caught for j-walking or anything because I crossed in the middle of the highway! Another thing to be thankful for was I did it and I am all well and ok! lol. Nobody beeped on me or shouted on me.. hihi! so it was bearable at the least.. ^^ And I found it funny myself.. whatta mini adventure again! I'm subconsciously an attention sucker! lol.
The class went all good.. Now, I can read Korean characters. Few more practice and I'll be better. haha.. When the class ended, it was still raining outside. ugh! and I need to be early for work with the 'Friday league tables'.. It was difficult to find a ride so I ended up taking a cab. hayy.. bit traffic on the way but I wasn't late.. ^^
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