Saturday, August 18, 2012

week before my birthday

okay.. so a lot has been happening I guess.. good news or bad news?? I'm not sure which is which anymore. I was still giddy with the Saturday's girls night out, but Sunday became unexpectedly a bit frustrating. hmm.. Then starting with a lazy Monday of awkwardness that somehow I was able to get on. It went on with nothing special.. Guess the only difference that made it is that I was able to tell on Joseph half of my concerns about last week's unlikely events. But nothing beats my Sunday-frustration.. just because I lost one of the stones in my ring.. oh well.. everything comes in equal reciprocation. Bad things = Good things.. as I always thought. I am not waiting for any good news but I am excited to sign up for a new mobile, can't wait to get my hands on The SIII. *so yay! try to be cool about the missing amethyst lady! It's just a stone!* T.T er.. stone with sentimental value! yeah right! I can't move on.

And then here goes Tuesday with what kind of news?? First I had the good news coming, my request intake date to London was granted. yipee! I bought some more time to prepare and make it more possible! It made me all smile! And then just right after, a low blow! JC talked to me about the BCP thingy after what happened last week. I am on a mixed emotion on this. As she said it, I will no longer be an initial BCP point person. hm.. so I wonder what that makes out of me? She told me if it's alright to go back to using a desktop computer but I'll still have a reserve laptop (a defective one, take note) to take home with me for secondary BCP purposes. The reason behind this changes?? hm. not my performance per se but because my area, as they put it, is vulnerable to flood and all? And I'm like? ok? Did I miss on anything last week? It was ok for me somehow, less responsibility and all. But somehow I can't help but feel a bit bad about it. It feels a little demoralizing on my part, I think, just because I did my part to fulfill my role. Just that! On the other hand, I feel relieved about it because I don't need to do all the back ups at the most unwanted times! Maybe this is just one way of God saying I need to let go of my work to be able to move forward! I wish it is! And I wish what he has planned for me next year is what I desire the most today! ^_^

So much for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday that Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was... well.. pretty much just run of the mill. Thursday was quite pleasant for me out of the few days left this week. I went to meet my highschool loves. Fiesta at Garfiled's place (Jeff)! An unbroken tradition since the day immemorial! It has always been like that since highschool. He's birthday is celebrated with the fiesta. hehe! So I went to meet all my missed friends! So much about it, nothing happened because I need to work! er.. It was just quite a meet and greet! But still 'twas nice to see even just a few of them.. Garfield (Jeff), Jech, Kenn and Meanie (Ter).. I was late for work, and it's worth it! uhm~ I think I'm missing some of my girl friends here.. lol. It's not me and all the guys, it's US girls and all the guys. Just sayin' my ladies were, at the moment out of reach!^_^

The rundown of events gave me a mixed and all messed up emotions. And in the last few days, I am all dolled up and feeling girly. What has happened this entire week is enough to qualify on my list of three reasons why I must doll up! I was distracted and needed to get away with it so I made myself busy with prepping up. Oh.. so very me.. I remember Eloi noticing one of the three reasons, quite an observer there.. ^_^ only a few knows.. or I guess only I know! hmm.. me wanting to look pretty only means there's something wrong.. totally wrong..

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