Saturday, November 16, 2013

TWG.. while waiting

I woke up feeling worn out from yesterday and it felt like I'm working on auto-mode - shower and then pack my things up. I need my dose of caffeine I guess. The girls and I didn't have time for breakfast since we needed to check out before noon and we already missed the breakfast buffet. We opted to fix ourselves then with all of us needing to be some place else this lunch. We separated our ways afterwards with the promise of another get together around December.

I headed off to Rockwell Powerplant mall as promised to Aya and thought I could wait for her until her shift ends. And I thought that would be easy, then realized, indeed it's just a thought! I arrived there at around noon and her shift ends at 6pm. Okay. I'll be idle for about more than I bargained for instead of sleeping in my bed cozy with my pillows. I did not thought of it, really, that I'll be waiting for hours with no company while my eyes are tired half shut and needing the effort to keeping it open.

Once I arrived there, Aya meant business and was assisting one of the customers in the retail area. I was greeted warmly by the other staff while Aya was assisting another. I was seated on one of the tables and everybody seemed pretty nice. All accommodating with their colleague's sister. That's really sweet of them! 

I started checking out the menu again and the tea list. This time I am less overwhelmed and was able to read more in the tea selections than I had before in Greenbelt. I found it more comfortable here than the other branch, maybe because I knew what to expect this time than before plus Aya is just around the corner.

I started out with a pot of Tea Number 12, it is a black tea with coffee! I'm so happy when Aya mentioned this to me before and I knew I had to try it. Truly it has a taste of coffee in it. Now it is in my favorite lists. So I have my tea and a plate of scones with Red of Africa tea jelly and cream on the side. Sounds delicious and for real it really tastes good.

And after.... a long.... while......

C'mon.. I'm staking here for a few more hours.. I need sustenance! lol *justifying myself to eat more*

I like the stew and I think it's for sharing. Yeah, it's for sharing and I ate it solo.

Then finally...time to leave! ^_^

Aya and Me-time on the roll next before heading home.... and again.. another round of food, crepes and ice cream! How can I resist desserts? The sugar-toothed monster inside was nudged to wake!


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